About Us

What's our mission anyway?

To offer a unique, high quality fashion experience for everyone delivered with our own twisted brand of wit, whimsy, and a healthy dose of sass.

Our Company

There’s so much to be serious about in this world, we believe that clothing doesn’t need to be.

We aim to inject our warped sense of humour into the humdrum of everyday life with our clothes.

We like the weird ones, the misfits, the outliers who you just can’t quite figure out.  Those are our people.

We drop F-Bombs on the regular and consider Sh*t Nugget a term of endearment. We won’t be everyone’s cup of tea and that’s O.K. (we prefer coffee anyway).

Good relationships are hard to find so we promise to hold you close & love you long time.  You’re the Lady to our Tramp, Fiona to our Shrek, the Lola to our Bugs.  We’d never break up with you. We’re here for you from your 1st T-shirt to your bazillionth.

The Team

Meet our founder: Teena D.

She’s a frequently inappropriate, mildly twisted, soft-hearted, sailor mouthed little peach.  She’s not the kind of girl you put on speakerphone.  A nomadic kinda nerdy adventure seeker and a lover of all things Hello Kitty.

 An adventurer at heart, you can find her crawling over rocks, packing up her Jeep for an impromptu road trip or purrhaps playing hide-n-seek with Yoda the wisest of all kitties.

Meet our co-founder: Yoda

So cool he only needs one name. Wise beyond his whiskers and a damn fine adventure buddy.

He thinks he’s hissterical & is pretty sure you’re gonna lap up his humour like milk in a wine glass.

 He works hard and plays harder.  He’s been team catnip since before it was legal. It’s 2:40 somewhere right bruh?

Interested? Find Your New Favourite Now!

A collection as unique as you are. Free your inner peach and let your weird wander. Snarky. Sweet. Sassy. Whatever your mewd we’ve got you covered.